
Principal Investigators

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt
University of Luxembourg

Thomas Schmidt did his PhD at the University of Freiburg in 2008 in the group of Prof. H. Grabert. After postdocs at the University of Basel (with C. Bruder) and Yale University (with L. Glazman), he held an Ambizione fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation at the University of Basel from 2012 to 2015. From February 2015 to February 2020, Thomas Schmidt was an ATTRACT fellow of the National Research Fund Luxembourg at the University of Luxembourg. Since 2020, Thomas Schmidt is a professor at the University of Luxembourg and his group studies theoretically topological quantum systems, one-dimensional quantum systems, as well as non-equilibrium transport.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schäpers
Forschungszentrum Jülich
(Peter Grünberg Institute 9)
Dr. Peter Schüffelgen
Forschungszentrum Jülich
(Peter Grünberg Institute 9)
Dr. Kristof Moors
Forschungszentrum Jülich
(Peter Grünberg Institute 9)
Prof. Dr. Llorenç Serra
University of the Balearic Islands
Dr. Malcolm Connolly
Imperial College London


  • Dr. Maria Belén Farias, University of Luxembourg
  • Dr. Nataliya Demarina, Forschungszentrum Jülich (Peter Grünberg Institute 2)
  • Dr. Hesky Hasdeo, University of Luxembourg
  • Dr. Matvey Lyatti, Forschungszentrum Jülich (Peter Grünberg Institute 9)
  • Dr. Roman Riwar, Forschungszentrum Jülich (Peter Grünberg Institute 2)
  • Prof. Dr. María Rosa López Gonzalo, University of the Balearic Islands
  • Dr. Javier Osca, University of the Balearic Islands


  • Daniele Di Miceli (PhD student), UIB-UL
  • Jan Karthein (PhD student), FZJ (PGI-9)
  • Dr. Julian Legendre (postdoc), UL
  • Dr. Kaycee Underwood (postdoc), FZJ (PGI-9)
  • Eduárd Zsurka (PhD student), FZJ (PGI-9)-UL
  • Dr. Juan David Vasquez (postdoc), UIB